Friday, August 15, 2008

My Company Folks

My company, being the 'foremost' R&D organisation in SG, hires over 1400 'TOP TALENTS' from the local pool (thank goodness) but there are a sprinkling of converted FTs here and there. Today's topic is not about these FTs, so don't worry....

I've been around the company for nearly 2yrs and had seen my fair share of the uglier side of the folks in XXX (I've replaced my company initials with XXX for confidentiality). I must admit I've not seen worst peoples then those I'm now working alongside with! They are conceited, selfish and very demanding. Before you concluded that I'm bashing the entire bunch, I must admit that most of them are alright, just that there were quite a few black sheeps around in the herd.

As mentioned earlier, the folks recruited into XXX for R&D are usually the 'Cream of the Crop'. Somehow, I also don't know how, a few of these 'Cream' seemed to suffer from Big Headed-ness, Selfish-ness and are obviously very demanding towards their junior colleagues and corporate divisions. There was a case of how a high-level 'Cream' banging the table and demanding a solution from corporate staff, for proper disposal of a pen-knife blade! While another 'Cream' commented that certain items issued to users such as thumbdrives are without hooks which causes users to lose them!

I was dumbfounded when I saw these 2 cases! I can't imagine how/why would someone need to use his 'weight' to demand a solution to a simple problem? You mean you, having studied much (maybe Phd) more than your fellow colleagues, can't even think of a safe way to dispose of pen-knife blades? Do you mean the company is to also to ensure things/equipment issued to you are safely secured? I thought this is our OWN RESPONSIBILITIES?

I cannot imagine the Government, in addition to issuing us with Identity Cards, Passports, etc, they also have to ensure that we do not lose them! How? Provide every household with a safe? This is most ridiculous. I really don't know what to comment of that 'selfish' fellow.

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