Friday, October 29, 2010

Why You'll Love a Mac

  • It’s designed to be a better computer.
  • It comes with software you'll love to use.
  • It comes with the world's most advanced operating system.
  • It comes with award-winning support.
  • It runs Office and works with your existing PC files.
  • It's compatible with your stuff.
  • It doesn't get PC viruses.
  • It's loaded with the latest technology.
  • It runs Window and Windows applications.
For more details, refer to

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Should I? Or Should I Not?

I'm now kinda torn after seeing, listening and getting to experience how wonderful it is. Should I take the plunge or not?

What are you thinking? No, I'm not deciding if I should take the plunge for whatever you are thinking.... I'm deciding whether I should switch to Mac from PC or not. I was given an excellent sales pitch, complete with demo and a full dissection of the OS this afternoon over a lunch catch-up with a pal from XXX.

My initial concerns was whether a Mac could run a Windows OS as a Virtual Machine or not. And this concern was put to rest with this software called "Parallels Desktop". My friend even had another applications called "Coherent" or thereabouts which enables a Windows App to run in the Mac environment rather than in the Windows OS itself!! Pretty cool, huh?

Switching to a Mac is no easy feat for me. It will be a whole new learning & familiarising experience all over again. Tasks which I am able to perform effortlessly will take some time to achieve... Commands which I was able to find without batting an eyelid will take me minutes to locate... The confidence and feel of being in control of the OS will be lost upon me!!

I'm seriously considering getting a MacBook for my next laptop, but the price is putting me off a little. @ SGD1488, its nearly double what I'm expecting to pay for a new laptop (or netbook). How? How? How? I'm now sitting on the fence.....

Can anyone say something that will push me over?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Nope, not those flying ones... The butterflies I'm referring to are the ones in my tummy.

Why so? Well, I guess it's pretty much due to my upcoming new job in YYY Company. I'm starting to feel the jitters and wondering if I'm up to the new role. Not only is this new role a senior position with a junior fellow to manage/guide, it also comprises of several other aspects which I've not touched on before in my existing job nor in my past jobs. In a nutshell, I'm clueless!!

What am I clueless about? I'm clueless about some of the platforms which they are currently using or am looking to implement, I'm clueless about having to do budgeting for my Singapore and possibly Hong Kong based teams, I'm also clueless about whether my existing style of supervising Zarah is a good template for managing my new colleague...

Another butterfly to add on..... with me now being a supervisor, I cannot show my displeasure at the management as publicly and freely as before. I'm now sort of like a leader, role-model kind of person and should I exhibit such negative behaviour, what kind of image am I portraying to my colleague? Can you imagine if your team-lead loses heart in his job/tasks-at-hand, how will the morale of the team be like? Taking a leaf from my existing supervisor, no matter how screwed-up a decision the management might make, he's always supportive and positive about it. Even if the decision sounded dumb, he would go : "Let's get down to it, the management deems such as fit and we should follow....". Well, I guess I've got to adopt such an attitude from now onwards, otherwise, God knows how I'd be perceived as a supervisor...

Butterflies, butterflies... please get out of my tummy and do something useful for me, for once.. I'd love it if you could show me how to overcome you.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Moving on....

I'm FINALLY moving on from the hell place where I worked...

4 long years.... I'd be moving on to another job which is located in town. Well, ok, on the fringe of the Central Business District. I'd still be doing IT, but in a totally different industry. The job scope is pretty much like what I used to do in my first 2 jobs, covering things from the end-user to the servers in the data centre. Besides, the decent renumeration, other pull factors included being a team-lead in charge of the SG IT operations, the possibility of business-travel and other skills which I've never been given the chance to touch on..... This job is really everything which I've always wished for!!

Having raved about how excited I am about the new job, I'm actually feeling a little bit sad to be leaving XXX. This is despite the fact that I've sooooo much displeasure with them and all. On one hand, I'm really glad to be getting out of my misery, on the other hand, I'm rather sad to be leaving some of my colleagues which I've had forged pretty strong friendship with... Eg. the folks from Team XXX (soccer team-mates), my team-mates in IT Security and some other folks which we all gather to talk crap... I'd miss our POWER LUNCHES where it stretched for nearly 2hrs, our crap-talks, our football games, sweat and laughters...

However, having said that, I'd need to move on, be it for myself or for my career. Besides, its only that I won't be working alongside them. It's not as if the friendship forged in XXX stops there whenever one of us resigns...

But then again, to those whom you know who you are, I'd miss you folks.......