Sunday, September 11, 2011

Life Changing Event...

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

You know you're a BODYCOMBAT instructor if....?

1. You know every word to the scooter tracks...even though you haven't got a clue what it means! 

2. You can hear a BC track on the radio and within 2 seconds know the next chore cue

3. The speed of your car depends on which BC track you are listening always end up breaking the speed limit by the Muay Thai track!

4. You have random girls come up to you in a bar/supermarket and start talking to you like you are long lost friends and you haven't got a clue who they are.. (until they tell you which class they attend and where they usually stand)

5. You hear a random track on the radio and immediately think...hmmm what combat move would fit this music?

6. You thinks it's fun to make up new combinations to songs on the radio while sitting in traffic

7. Your IPOD is only for Combat music

8. No other CD is important in the car except LesMills……… turn it up!!

9. You're washing your hands in the bathroom of a nightclub and hear strains of Fat Man Scoop "Dance!" and bolt to the dance floor to bust into the ginga!

10. At a friend’s party when “Tribal Dance” starts to play, you get everyone to do BC (BC27,T4)

11. You suddenly shout "COMBO!!!" when you hear that part of the track... in the clubs... and you realise some of the guys on the dance floor are doing the combo as well...

12. Members track down your email address to ask you if you've started the new release yet and what's it like coz they missed a week!

13. You're out with your mates and someone breaks into a combo looking enthusiastically at you!

14. Your kids correct your chore when practicing

15. Your friends understand the importance of proper technique and make sure to remind you if they notice "on that last kick" you forgot to "position your heel"

16. You're in the grocery store and out of the blue your mate tells you "check out my uppercut" or even better "side kick" because they’ve been "practicing"

17. Your way of greeting people is a light front kick.

18. You practice your side kick while waiting for your cup of tea to dispense from the machine at work.

19. Your biggest fashion decision of the day is which colour wraps to wear...

20. You no longer know what is really Right or Left.

21. You iron your wraps.

22. You're at work and listening to the music and going over the Chore in your head staring blank at the computer screen and oblivious of anything else until the song is done.

23. When trying on a new pair of sneakers you realise that not everyone tries the fit and stability by doing jump knees, evasive sidekicks, scissors and mad shuffling from side to side and now the whole shop is staring at you.

24. You find yourself in a small changing room trying to find a way to set up kicks and do the splits from corner to corner to see if the new training trousers you're thinking of buying have enough give in the crotch.

25. You are getting into your car late at night in the dark car park after work, as yours is the only car left as you closed up, and you hear this sudden alarming rustle in the bushes right next to you and you unconsciously 'set' your heel ready to defend yourself....

Extracted from