Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Body Combat - Part 1

Tues & Sat are my usual gym days. Mon, Wed, Fri & Sun are the other possible days. I typically hit the gym for BC thrice, sometimes twice, sometimes quadruple times. Do i sound like i got no life? If you asked me, gym-ing had already become part of my lifestyle. During the early days of my signup (thanks to MF aka fwenly gym-buddy), I go 3times to maximise the $ paid. But now, its more like "if I don't go, I'd feel weird" kinda mentality. I'm addicted I guess...

Anyway, if I hit the gym, I'd definitely be doing BC, otherwise I wont even be there in the first place. I absolutely loved the Tues class because of the instructor who is very dynamic, motivating and never fails to inject fun into the class. Of course, her "Fans" played a big part too in injecting life and fun into the class la.

The thing I hate about a crowded class is the lack of space... not that I needed plenty of space but at least let me be able to do my moves without having to worry about hitting anyone around me. I'd consider my day suay if I happened to stand near a newbie. Call me evil if you wish but you know la, these newbies cant follow the moves, so when the class moves forward, they stand there and if you are behind one such person, you must zam brake in time so that you dun bang into them!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! The other type of ppls I dislike are those with very excessive (aka "Extra") motions. Eg. ppls shuffle 4steps forward at most is 1-2m but there's this clown who does 5m!! He can really shuffle!! I once saw him shuffle all over the place from the back to the front, from the left mirror to the right glass panes!!! OMG!!! We nicknamed him "Shuffle-mania". :p

Uncle Thim suggested we go for the Instructor Course during its next run. I'm keen to try for fun but doubt I'd be able to go up the stage and conduct a full class on my own even if I managed to pass and obtain the cert to teach in PF. Its very intimidating I feel, especially since I dislike public speaking. Do you believe it if I tell you I'd feel nervous even if I'm presenting to my dept folks? I guess being the participant is still the best!


muifan said...

Go la go la..take the course and teach lo ;)

Uncle Law said...

u think so simple meh? wan to pass can just pass like that ah? even if pass liao i oso dunno got anyone wanna let me shadow or not.. even if can shadow, oso dunno dare to team-teach or not...