Sunday, August 2, 2009

Return of the Cram Days

Back in the past, whenever an exam is imminent, ppls around me would be cramming their books, hoping to score well. For me, I usually take it easy because I'm lazy? Not really but its more of I don't enjoy memory work. I'm a hands-on person. But then again, somehow (I also don't know how), I'd be able to do fairly fine for the exam... Maybe not the top marks but at least 60-70%. My feelings prior to the exams would be one of extreme anxiety, low in confidence and can't wait to get it over. Yet I can't be bothered to do any serious, hardcore cramming.....

I've handled it in this manner all the way until my Uni days were over... Since then, there hadn't been any exams which were able to exert such an influence on me. Not even the CCNA which I was attempting some years back. FYI, I didn't get that certification lah... But all these feelings suddenly all came flooding back over the wkend......

The 5 of us had our first 'combined' practice session yesterday. That was when reality sinks in! All along I had thought I'm going along fine.. it was until yesterday's session that I found out I've got loads to catch up on. This morning's sessions merely made me even more nervous about the entire thing. Yet nearly everyone whom I talk to about this tells me : "Don't think so much, just go there and enjoy the whole thing. It'd be fun...."

Seriously, in the early days of signing up for the course, I still have some hopes of having fun during the 3days but as time goes by, these hopes had all but evaporised into thin air! Right now, I'm basically cramming all that I can whenever, wherever I can.

I really do wanna fulfil my KPI for 2009.

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