Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Passion or Job?

My 'new' colleague, Gary is constantly proactively imparting his knowledge of IT Security to me, a complete noob. I really appreciate his efforts in doing so and I'm trying to take in as much as I can.

But I'm not a quick learner at times and tended to forget things which I try to mitigate by writing them down. However, there exists some information such as account credentials which you shouldn't be writing down and such... more so in an extremely security conscious like XXX.

I'm recently involved in the evaluation of a solution which is pretty much a high priority project at the moment. The evaluation had concluded and I'm supposed to prepare a post-evaluation report for the management. Of course, knowing that you have a high-power audience waiting for your report, you'd surely wanna spend more efforts and time on it to produce something readable and presentable. Inevitably, this also means I've to let up on my other on-hand items.....

This is where the problem lies... I run a server vulnerability scan the other day and the report is ready. Before we pass this report to the System Administrator (SA) of the server, we need to analyse the report and prepare recommended solutions for the SA. This being my first time at it, Gary was very nice to show me the ropes and all, even to the extend of doing the analysis. However, he expects me to go thru the report too and learn from it. Not that I'm not receptive to learning new 'tricks', but I've got my bandwidth too, right? Its not that I lack the interest to learn, but I'm really tied up.....

To him, IT Security is a passion... for me, its only a job....

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