Saturday, December 5, 2009

Exercising in the MRT

REALLY? Yes, I'm not kidding you. Read on......

Exercise 1 : Strong Core
How? By simply being free-standing whilst in the train and not holding onto any grab poles. By being 'support-less', you'd be forced to balance yourself as the train runs along, thus strengthening your core muscles along the way. The 'connecting' space between 2 carriages is the best.....

Exercise 2 : Strong Forearm Muscles
How? Whenever you grip onto the vertical/horizontal grab-poles. You'd adjust your grip accordingly as the train runs along, over time, the muscles should build up.

Exercise 3 : Strong Obliques
How? When sitting down and dozing off, one tended to lean to one side or the other. That's where the obliques gets trained up.

Exercise 4 : Strong Abs
How? Same as above, but leaning forward as you doze off, 'crunching' your abs in the process.

Exercise 5 : Strong Biceps
How? Using the horizontal grab-poles, stretch up your hands either in an over/under hand grip. Pull yourself up. Do not use your legs to propel yourself upwards.

Exercise 6 : Strong Triceps
How? Place both hands over the edge of the seat and push your butt off the seat towards the floor, using the arms as support. Lift yourself in an up/down motion using the hands as the driving force.

Exercise 7 : Building Stamina
How? While waiting for the train, run along the platform... Do take extra caution to stay behind the yellow line. 'nuff said....

Who needs a gym membership when you can get so much benefits just by taking the MRT?


Irene Ang said...

Your recommendation is absolutely ridiculous... If anyone were to practice these things, they will end up looking like an uncivilized "monkey" in a train.

Even though some part of it does make sense but I'm sure if someone were to do this exercise you've recommended on a daily basis and still eat sufficiently for their 3-5 meals, they will probably still end up being a fat A**!! LOL

Uncle Law said...

hahahaha this post is for those out there to try on their own IF they wish to try... one thing for sure, i wouldnt :p