Sunday, October 10, 2010


Nope, not those flying ones... The butterflies I'm referring to are the ones in my tummy.

Why so? Well, I guess it's pretty much due to my upcoming new job in YYY Company. I'm starting to feel the jitters and wondering if I'm up to the new role. Not only is this new role a senior position with a junior fellow to manage/guide, it also comprises of several other aspects which I've not touched on before in my existing job nor in my past jobs. In a nutshell, I'm clueless!!

What am I clueless about? I'm clueless about some of the platforms which they are currently using or am looking to implement, I'm clueless about having to do budgeting for my Singapore and possibly Hong Kong based teams, I'm also clueless about whether my existing style of supervising Zarah is a good template for managing my new colleague...

Another butterfly to add on..... with me now being a supervisor, I cannot show my displeasure at the management as publicly and freely as before. I'm now sort of like a leader, role-model kind of person and should I exhibit such negative behaviour, what kind of image am I portraying to my colleague? Can you imagine if your team-lead loses heart in his job/tasks-at-hand, how will the morale of the team be like? Taking a leaf from my existing supervisor, no matter how screwed-up a decision the management might make, he's always supportive and positive about it. Even if the decision sounded dumb, he would go : "Let's get down to it, the management deems such as fit and we should follow....". Well, I guess I've got to adopt such an attitude from now onwards, otherwise, God knows how I'd be perceived as a supervisor...

Butterflies, butterflies... please get out of my tummy and do something useful for me, for once.. I'd love it if you could show me how to overcome you.


The Words Crafter said...

Congratulations!!!! I've been away for a while and am catching! Good for you and I bet you'll do just fine.

Those butterflies will keep you on your toes and sharp for a while...until you get your 'sea legs' so to speak. Then, when you no longer need them to help you stay focused, they'll fly away....

Uncle Law said...

Thanks Word Crafter... Glad to see that you're back!

I really do hope my worries are all unfounded. I guess everyone who leaves their comfort zone for a new place goes thru the same thoughts as I do....