Thursday, December 16, 2010

Life-Changing Trip to Hong Kong

Yo Folks, I just got back from a LIFE-CHANGING trip to Hong Kong. Life-changing in the sense that my life from the trip onwards will not be the same again...

Let's see how will it not be the same again...

One, I bought a Macbook Pro for my 2nd Laptop. I've got a MSI Wind U100 at the moment but its been slightly more than 2yrs since I've had it and my butt is itching for a change. Also, the MSI seems to be slowing down somewhat. Thus, my itch for a change of machine. The very reason why I decided to get a Mac from Hong Kong was due to many folks online telling me that Apple products are the cheapest in Hong Kong as compared to other parts of the world, even in the US. I did some comparision between prices in the Singapore and Hong Kong Apple Store and am convinced that it indeed IS CHEAPER to get a Mac in Hong Kong. Besides, the warranty is international, what have I got to lose? I took the plunge and bought it in Hong Kong, saving about S$250 over what I would have paid had I bought it in Singapore.

Two, I "popped the question" to my SO whilst in Hong Kong. Needless to say, her response was a yes. And from then on, my life had change from self to "with a dependent". I feel that I'm more than ready to take on this added responsibility. Anyway, this is just the beginning of the next lap in the journey of our life together. And I can imagine how bumpy it might get going forward. Not that I'm pessimistic... but married life can never be smooth unless we are both saints. Either that or we both are enduring our differences and unhappiness. If this is the case, then it is the most unfortunate for should us both erupt, all hell will break loose and God knows what will be the final outcome?

We are currently starting to prepare for our wedding, date to be decided, venue yet to source, alot of details yet to work out....

Anyone wanna help me plan for no fees involved?


muifan said...

I can help, but i charge with a nominal fee, like.....deducting from my ang pow money? hahahaa

Uncle Law said...

thats NOMINAL enough.... :)

you're already helping me by agreeing to be my MC. with you anchoring the MC role, i've no fear of it going wrong no matter who your partner is. And in this case, it being Victor, i'm doubly assured.

muifan said...

I'm not assured, becos it's Vic! hahaaaaa

Uncle Law said...

i'm sure he'd do fine... :)