Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hell Weeks....

My apologies for not updating this blog as regularly as before... I've had a very hectic past few weeks that I can barely breathe.

First up was the commencement of a 3-weeks Project Development week whereby we are supposed to do up the IT Security Project which is part of our course assessment. We actually formed up the team and submitted the Project Proposals earlier in the year but left it until the 'official development week' to finally get down to serious work. This was also due to the endless case studies and quizzes along the way.

It really doesn't help that one of my team mate (B) had to plan his honeymoon during this crucial period. And the best part is that he's the Team Lead! With him away for most part of the project, I assumed the Team Lead role as 'arrowed' by the other 2 members. Progress was slow in the initial 2weeks and I was really feeling all the stress. 3 person doing 4 person's work is already not easy, not to mention that as the Team Lead, I'm also very concerned with the overall progress and whether we are able to meet our targets or not.

It got so bad that my right eyelid was twitching very regularly throughout this period. There was even once that we had our project discussion at a heartland McDonald's from 9pm till 3am! I thought with the return of B, my load and stress would be lighten and the twitching subsided, but I was wrong. The twitching did stop, abet for a few hours before my eyelids continued 'dancing' away....

I was sharing these problems I faced with SO and it's really during this period that I FULLY realised how much she meant to me.... Besides the support she showered upon me, she also volunteered to help me with the compilation of the report, forgo our weekly outings so that I can work on my project, came over to help out in any ways she could.

All these are done with her having ZERO domain knowledge of my project! I'm not sure if I'd be able to deliver my targets in time had she not helped me.....

Next up after the conclusion of the Project are my final examinations. I've not touched any of the lecture note in the run-up to the exams due to the rushing of the project. Between the conclusion of the project and my exams, I've had 5days to study. Again, SO forgo-ed our weekly outing, came over to basically do nothing while I did my revision.

Like I mentioned earlier, I never knew how important this girl is to me until these 2 episodes. From the support she's showered me to helping me despite having ZERO knowledge about IT Security to traveling 20km to simply do nothing while I study. For the first time in my life, I felt truly LOVED and CHERISHED.

Did I also mentioned that I fly to Bangkok for a much needed holiday with SO barely 10hrs after the conclusion of my final paper? Trip blog coming up soon... stay tuned!

1 comment:

The Words Crafter said...

Wow, I feel as if I just survived a mini tornado! First-bless you, I know how you feel with all the projects-ours were the first few months of the year, concluding in April. Now we can breathe. Second, good for you! I hope it all works out with SO and that you have a great, relaxing holiday!